Friday, August 9, 2013

This week

It's been a dreary, grey week in Mount Beauty - quite unlike most of the weather here. And, as if in response to the grey clouds, this Mama has had a grey week too.

It often happens when family leave that the following few days feel low and flat and this week was no exception. Time for writing has been scarce, the garden is wet and muddy, I cut my thumb through my fingernail and one of our poor hens (Pippy) was taken by a fox (and another - Poppy - has a gash in her rump from said fox). To say this Mama feels bad is an understatement. It's been one of those weeks with lots of jobs and not much reprieve and I'm feeling tired and stretched thin. *Sigh*

I tell myself...
It happens sometimes doesn't it?

So I focus on how good it will feel when things swing back my way, and know that they'll be even more beautiful because of these low times. And for that I AM grateful.

Carolyn x x x


Cath said...

xxx Caz. Thinking of you from afar. Really sorry to hear about Pippy :-( How did you manage that gash on your thumb?!

Unknown said...

Our super-wonderful bread knife slipped off my sourdough....and into my thumb - ouch! At least I know the knife is still sharp!