Thursday, October 31, 2013

This Summery day together

Its been a busy time for this mama lately - not the hectic, all-consuming busy-ness of business, but the ongoing, daily busy-ness in the life of a family of four with Mama and Papa working alternate days. Its nothing unique or unusual really, but I'm feeling most tired.
The reason this seems so obvious today is because today is a 'day off' - neither of us are working and there are no races or activities scheduled which would take one of us away while the other spends quality time with our two girls. And because today is the first real 'day off' for at least 3 weeks, it feels quite blissful and almost unusual. And I find myself wishing there were some more days like this.
So within this blissful bubble I've watered our newest little seedlings, made a fresh batch of laundry powder, read stories to Bethany and helped Rosie with some number work. And all the while Ian has mowed and worked on our soon-to-be-sold car.
There are background issues of course - will Ian get that job he's gone for? Should I continue taking antidepressants? What about another child?
But for now they are pushed aside (mostly) and we enjoy this Summery day together.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A marvellous day

Its a powerful sort of thing, when like-minded friends get together to climb a mountain on a sunny day. There's a strength that comes from climbing together, from sharing food whilst sharing stories, from reaching the summit together and hugging for the joy of it all. And there's a special bond that begins to develop, as friendships deepen and expand and barriers are surpassed. There's a clarity that comes from being up high, looking to the horizon, thinking of loved ones far away.

That's how it was for this Mama and her mama-friends last weekend. We started early and finished later than we thought, but Mount Feathertop was summited by all. And after 24km and 10 hours, we all agree that it was a marvellous day.

Our early morning beginning was colder than this Mama expected and we walked quickly through the forest remains of last Summer's bushfire before the sun reached us and we began to shed our layers.

By the time we reached Federation Hut it was a warm and sunny day, as we'd expected, and lunch was lovely on the 'lawn' of grass around the shallow saddle where the hut is built.

The 'summit push' was short and sweet (relatively speaking), but still took our breath away, and we enjoyed our glimpses of the Snowy Mountains in the distance, ladybugs on the rocks and the remains of the snow just on the south side of the ridge.

Two false summits led us to the small top of the mountain where we stayed for a while and pondered and looked and thought and ate.

Then it was down again and a long(ish) but lovely walk along the south razorback to Diamantina Hut where cars and loved ones were waiting.

The bushfires have devastated a large area, much of which we walked through last weekend, but everywhere there was new growth, however small.

Here's to more long walks in the mountains my Mama-friends!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In the garden this week

Lots growing, lots of picking and lots of planting...

Such beautiful yoga

Its so lovely when we discover something amazing and....well, perfect.....right on our doorstep isn't it? That's just what happened to this Mama this morning.
I had been thinking about attending my friend, Amber's, yoga classes for a while, but there always seemed to be something in the way. There was Bethany who needed to be happy with someone else for an hour or so, there was my ongoing back problem, my tiredness.... there was a list that I let keep me from going. And when I think about it now, perhaps this Mama was just plain scared too - scared of looking like a dill (a common fear I'm afraid) and scared even that I might like it too much, and throw myself into it in an over-the-top way (also a common reaction from this Mama).

And so I let these fears keep me away until I heard about the retreat.
Last weekend. In a lovely little town not far from here. Some of my friends. Yoga. Journalling. Healthy food. Oh my, I so wished I had known about it. I felt still and sad inside that I'd missed it. There was even jealousy (oh, yes, but I'm getting better at turning that around so it didn't last too long). And then I realised just how much I wanted to be going to these yoga classes each week and how much I'd been holding myself back.

And so today I made effort, more effort than I thought I needed to, and arrived (5 minutes late) to Amber's 'The Beauty of Yoga' for the first time.
It was lovely. I stretched. I stood in Warrior pose. I felt strong. And at the end I felt a level of relaxation and clarity that has been missing for a while.

Thank-you my friend. May we enjoy more yoga together!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rosie's birthday week

This Mama and her brood are proudly celebrating Rosie's 6th birthday this week. And why not celebrate for a whole week? She's a special girl.
We have balloons in the garden, flags along the fence, decorations in the house and invitations went out to special friends for an 'explorer party' at the mountain bike park.
With compasses in hand, Rosie and about 10 friends were led by Ian around a nature hunt before returning for a sausage sizzle and cake. The rain didn't stop us either (if anyone can remember last year's downpour and 40 people in our house, this was much more relaxed).

Happy Birthday beautiful girl.

Taking a photo of her cake with her new iPod.

The many, many cupcakes baked for her class.

At her 'explorer party' with the compass cake and all her friends.

Some of our decorations to celebrate this week.

Just so everyone knows...

Just some of the baking...

Getting prepared.

New presents need to be worn right away don't they?

At the party - the rain held off for a while then there was a quick relocation to shelter at the mountain bike park for the cake.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

O, love

A poem for you all on this lovely day...

O Joy, pure joy
On wings of birds you flow
On rainbows and jewels and sunshine
You go

O Peace, pure peace
With the stillness you live
With snow and night and quiet
You give

O Love, pure love
Such a heart you do swell
With roses and huggles and tenderness
As well

Love Carolyn

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pockets of Joy

The lovely garden at Bairnsdale - full of colour and growth and love at this time of year.

Miss Bethany with her first hair cut looking decidedly grown up.


Part of 'The Pergola' - lovingly crafted by Dad over the last few months - with some beautiful roses already in flower.

Sandcastle building in full-swing.

Artwork in the morning - a lovely way to pass some wet weather.

Our field trip to Mallacoota has been completed by a few days visit to Noni and Pa's farm near Bairnsdale. As with previous visits here the girls are in love with the flowers, the space, the 'new' toys, Oscar the dog and of course having their beloved grandparents so close at hand.

I, again, found myself retreating to the study to peruse Mum's large collection of good books (I still manage to find something new to read after all these years). And Ian found his way to two different mountain bike parks with his bike, and had a paddle (in his kayak) in one of the local rivers (during a storm) with a friend from China. A happy Ian came home from that training session.

It's been a relaxed but busy time for all except this Mama who has felt tired, flustered and in one of those dull limbo's in this early Spring season.

I was hoping for an upwelling of inspiration this week away that would outweigh the tiredness and allow me to move forward. Instead I'm feeling stuck and find myself waiting for the time when I feel better. 

Such a waste.

This time hasn't arrived yet and tomorrow we head home and so for this Mama the focus must be on each moment as much as possible. Low times are an important part of life and creativity. I choose to believe that this low, quiet, tired time is what I need right now.

Throughout this have been pockets of joy - building sand castles on the beach, painting with Rosie, a surprise gift from Dad (thanks) and a walk with just Mum (so rare these days). These are the things that this Mama holds on to from this trip. These will travel back with me to Mount Beauty tomorrow where the next chapter begins. Whatever that may bring.

Wishing you many pockets of joy in your days.