Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Such beautiful yoga

Its so lovely when we discover something amazing and....well, perfect.....right on our doorstep isn't it? That's just what happened to this Mama this morning.
I had been thinking about attending my friend, Amber's, yoga classes for a while, but there always seemed to be something in the way. There was Bethany who needed to be happy with someone else for an hour or so, there was my ongoing back problem, my tiredness.... there was a list that I let keep me from going. And when I think about it now, perhaps this Mama was just plain scared too - scared of looking like a dill (a common fear I'm afraid) and scared even that I might like it too much, and throw myself into it in an over-the-top way (also a common reaction from this Mama).

And so I let these fears keep me away until I heard about the retreat.
Last weekend. In a lovely little town not far from here. Some of my friends. Yoga. Journalling. Healthy food. Oh my, I so wished I had known about it. I felt still and sad inside that I'd missed it. There was even jealousy (oh, yes, but I'm getting better at turning that around so it didn't last too long). And then I realised just how much I wanted to be going to these yoga classes each week and how much I'd been holding myself back.

And so today I made effort, more effort than I thought I needed to, and arrived (5 minutes late) to Amber's 'The Beauty of Yoga' for the first time.
It was lovely. I stretched. I stood in Warrior pose. I felt strong. And at the end I felt a level of relaxation and clarity that has been missing for a while.

Thank-you my friend. May we enjoy more yoga together!


Beacymama said...

Carolyn - was lovely to see you there and am so happy to have discovered your blog. Linda xx

Unknown said...

Thank-you x x