Monday, June 30, 2014

Let your heart speak through your hands

So often our hearts don't get a chance to be heard over the loud voices in our heads.

For me, my journal is my regular everyday ritual where this magic gets to happen.

Journalling is about connecting with your soul. About being totally, mindfully present with yourself in the now.

And I feel called today to tell you that this is another day of potential journalling for you lovely.

I know you've written in a journal before. I know you've started and stopped, and started and stopped again.

I know this resistance, this illusion that inspiration must come before writing has held you up.

And I'm here today to say that you can change that. You can freaking rock that journal. Everyday.

Here's my confession...

I stopped writing in my journal these past few days. It just didn't happen, and today almost didn't either, as lots of excuses and a general malaise trundled in.

Now it's late in the day and I'm tired, but I can't let resistance beat me another day. I need to journal.

I need that communion with soul and spirit that happens so easily when I show up to my journal.

And you do too.

You need that chance to get it out, sort it out, ask for help, ask for guidance,

So what did I do?

 I kept trying. I brought my attention back to my journal again and again. I let myself feel bad that I hadn't written - I welcomed those feelings with love. Then I got my journal out and sat down.

So here's my advice for you....

- just get that journal out
- just leave it on the kitchen table
- just open it to the right page
- just write one word
- just keep going
- just do it again tomorrow

When we take these little steps by themselves we take the size out of the monster. We move past that resistance. 

We give our hearts a chance to speak to our hands without our heads getting in the way.

Best of luck beautiful xx

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Could superquestions improve your spiritual nutrition?

I'm back in Melbourne after 11 weeks of travelling around Australia and it feels warm and comforting to be back in the fold of family at this time, despite the cold and miserable weather outside.

It's been challenging at times, this travel and transition, and I thought you'd like to know how I've kept myself grounded and focused.

I've been through quite a fast transition as I've returned to the South - and oh my resistance feels stronger when change is happening fast!

I've felt lethargic, vague, unclear. I know you know that feeling too.

And yet sneaking past resistance is the most grounding thing I can do amongst this change. It keeps me stepping forward and anchored in my spiritual reality rather than tied to my changing physical reality.

So how have I done this, I hear you asking?

Well primarily I've fallen back on some special Superquestions to kick my spiritual nutrition up a notch in these changing times. Much like Superfoods, these are the ones that have great nutrient-density, that add to my health and raise my vibrations - especially when change and overwhelm are afoot.

The how?

It's based on the premise that when we ask a question, our brains love to find answers to it - so why not asksuper-questions?

My favourites?

How can I be kind to myself today?

How soon can I experience greater abundance?

How soon can I write something wildly awesome (create an amazing poem/artwork/sculpture)?

How can I step up today?

Which habits can I add today to improve my vitality?

You get the drift I'm sure - any question that empowers, that raises those vibes, that expands from the heart is a gem for sneaking past that resistance and stepping up.

Get into lovelies and feel that shift.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fancy a Mid-Year Metamorphosis?

How are you feeling (for real) at this time of year, as the days are short and cold?

Stuck? Resistant? Seized up? Frozen?

Well, he he he.....let me tell you a story....

Mid-year is traditionally a low time for me - anxiety, uncontrollable boredom and resistance and the onset of post-natal
depression for the second time - have all fallen at this time of year. It's a time I look out for and put strategies in place.

And so I'm offering a new coaching program this Winter - to help with those mid-year blues.

Coaching in Personal Transformation and Wellbeing has been on my radar for a while now. I live and breathe all things metaphysical, spiritual, soul-full - learning, growth, success, passion, purpose, authenticity.

And it seems that those I've worked with like my approach too.

"Having a coaching session with Carolyn helped me to unravel my chaotic thoughts and see my 'problems' from a whole new perspective" - Rhonda

"I feel great after this session. Thanks...for your time and insightful wisdom" - Megan.

On top of all this I have that divine sense that this is one of the things I'm here for. It's one of my callings in life.

And so...

I'm opening up a new school of thought - a Mid-Year Metamorphosis Coaching Program.

Available from the Winter Solstice, I'll help you to transform, grow and step forward as the days lengthen and the energy builds this year.

Here are the deets for you lovely friends:

$100 for two one-on-one coaching sessions via Skype or regular ol' phone and I can help you with:
- identifying your passions via the Passion Test
- strategies for stepping up and moving forward
- working through resistance and coming unstuck
- facing fears and embracing vulnerability
- gaining clarity and insight
- grounding dreams into reality
- shifting your perspective and seeing the big picture

If this is ringing your bell shoot me an email and we'll be off in the sunset together babe, I would love to hear from you:

Much love,

Carolyn xxxxx

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Got your spiritual enzymes working?

Have you been struggling lately with feeling stuck? 

Have you, like me, had trouble dealing with change at times? 

Has the ugly head of resistance reared itself on more than one occasion and held you firm, stuck in that rut?

It's been like that for me on and off on this journey around the country I'm on. Sometimes I've flowed easily with the changing terrain and been productive and creative, then other times have felt difficult, threatening, seized up.

But I've been working through these challenges as they arise - accepting, surrendering, sneaking past - and thought you like to know how I've kept myself on track and true to my passions.

It's no secret, just a bit of everyday magic....

I use catalysts for transformation - spiritual enzymes if you like.

An enzyme is a molecule found in living organisms that assists the transformation of another molecule into a new shape. The enzyme itself then finds another molecule and changes that.....

Soooo, how can we use spiritual enzymes in our everyday to assist in our transformation to a passionate, purposeful life?

It might help to take a look at what a spiritual enzyme might be so here are some I use everyday to precipitate the changes I want in my life....

- I ask myself empowering questions to step up my vibrational energy and look outward with optimism.
- I maintain a daily yoga practice that keeps me in touch with my physical body and it's needs.
- I write. Everyday. Whatever needs to be asked and answered.
- I face whatever fears are in my heart by tapping. Daily.
- I overcome my resistance to stepping forward on this spiritual journey of life and do at least one task outside my comfort zone each day.

These are the enzymes, the catalysts I rely upon at the moment. They transform me, daily, and help me to move towards my soul projects.

Many of them I have as reminders in my phone to bring them to my attention each day or week and I encourage you to do the same.

This is important, life-changing stuff lovelies - so get yourself on board with these questions:

1. Which enzymes can you use daily to step up to that soul project/life transformation of yours?

2. Where can you put reminders for these catalysts? Fridge? Phone? Mirror? Desktop? Car?

Lots of love your way

Saturday, June 14, 2014

RAW - a poem

I've felt called to write poetry this day. Perhaps it's the big skies we're experiencing on this trip around out country, perhaps it's the sunsets and sunrises we're privy to each day.

Mother Nature is surely the ultimate poet and the writer of our inner-most desires.

One of my core desired feelings (thanks to Danielle LaPorte) is raw. Here is my ode to that delicious feeling:

A poem

What do you look like,
Beneath these layers you carry?
Are you weak?
Are you broken?
Are you whole?

What can be loved,
Beneath these layers you carry?
Is it hope?
Is it strength?
Is it awoken?

What do you feel,
As you take these layers away?
Are you proud?
Are you certain?
Are you raw?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Slow travel, increase change

We've been on the road for 2 months now, travelling in our van with our two girls, camper trailer in tow. Our 100 days around Australia is more than halfway done and we've seen and done a lot.

Lately it's been hot weather, gorges and swimming holes as we've journeyed through the North West parts of our country - Broome, the Kimberley, Katherine Gorge, Darwin and Kakadu.

Some pretty photos for you below:

The girls at Town Beach, Broome

View of the Eastern Kimberley region, El Questro Station

Scarlet Gums glowing in the setting sun, Nitmiluk National Park

Rosie twirling batons at Mindil Beach Sunset Market, Darwin.

And as we've travelled I've been thinking (as those of you who know me will attest - I think A LOT!) about how the act of travelling is like an ongoing experience of rebirth. 

Stay with me here...

Each place we stay awakens new parts of ourselves - some positive, some less so - but either way it shifts us.

Each time we move we allow ourselves into something slightly different. So in a way we are reborn each we enter a new place - it's a new world for us to explore.

I believe this is one of the greater benefits of slow travel - we can increase the rate of change we allow in our lives.

We automatically stretch our comfort zones when we travel, we make more decisions, we move ourselves - literally with kilometres beneath our feet, but soulfully too as we expand our vision of our place in the world.


Friday, June 6, 2014

The Write Time

What happens when we allow our writing to be transformed?

You know those days when when it feels like a drag - not the 'write' time. When we wait for inspiration to come, when we decide it's just a hobby anyway, that we'll only do it for fun?

But deeper inside we know we want more than that.

We feel it in our heart - 'this is what I want' it whispers. 'This is rightfully yours - always has been, always will be'.

And so we feel the call to move our hobby beyond its amateur characteristics - to see how and where it extends.

One word in front of another, one day, one page at a time.

Writing as exploration, as discovery, as art form, as duty to God, as profession. It's a shift in perception we experience.

From ego-fulfilling to open co-creation with the universe.

And so our hand that writes becomes wholly. It's the top of the iceberg - the visible, physical part that transmits nature's messages and the signs of the spirit.

Writing, as a whole, becomes our job, our work, our spiritual practice. We fit it in, commit to it - multiple times each day, in between interruptions from our children and distraction from others.
What becomes important is that we return to it, again and again, until we've had our say for the day.

This is our job - and by hand, by thumb, by fingers - we are transformed by our writing.