Sunday, July 13, 2014

Let the full moon re-align you

It was a full moon last night and exactly 6 months since that first full moon in January when intentions and resolutions were being set by your heart.

How are you feeling about those intentions now? Are your vibrations just as high? Your motivation just as peaked?

This time of year is often a low for me and I can find it difficult to feel positive about those dreams that have not yet manifested.

And so if this description suits you also (I get it), I have some advice, and some good news...

"You can never miss so long as you're still aiming" - the universe

If your goals and dreams for the year have not yet manifested, keep aiming at them.

If you're not where you wanted to be, keep taking action.

Aiming and action are all you need to focus on, the universe will take care of the rest. 

And so, this 6th full moon of the year is the perfect time to review those intentions, to cement them in your sights, and to make 2014 The Year You Actually Did It.

Need some more inspiration? 

Here are some quotes to get you going:

"A year from now you will wish you started today" - I've seen this written in various forms where motivation is required. Have you seen it too?

"Start before you're ready" - Tara Bliss

"The secret to success is constancy of purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli

I hope by now you're starting to feel pumped up and ready to get back in the saddle. I'm certainly looking forward with great enthusiasm to the next 6 moons and the amazing opportunities that are coming my way.

And don't forget, my Mid-Year Metamorphosis Coaching Program opened three weeks ago. Details are here beautiful souls, I can't wait to work with you xxx

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