Thursday, May 29, 2014

Empowering Geometry

I write. I teach. I Mother. I adventure.

These are the four pillars upon which I build and create. My foundations. My strengths. My whole.

There's comfort in that clear structure for me. I like that it's four pillars - somehow it feels like a stronger structure - with four sides, four corners - a diamond or a rectangle.

For me, it's not to much and not too little - it's juuuuusssst right.

And, you know, many structures come in fours:
- our seasons
- phases of the moon
- points of the compass
- eastern elements (water, fire, earth, metal)

There's am elements of strong simplicity in a group of four - it feels sleek and sure to me.

If I we're to draw a picture of my structure it would look like this:

Every element connects to the others. There are relationships between them all. Interconnectedness is highlighted.

For me, this structure, this image, provides direction, focus and clarity.

What shape would your structure be? - is there a shape that resonates with you? That stands out in pictures or diagrams? Do you choose fabrics or clothing with particular geometric patterns (e.g. A-line skirts, square cut necklines etc...)?

How many corners does your shape have? How many pillars support your life?

How does this foundation structure support your life?

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