Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Resistance Train

Got resistance in your life? I have.

Lately I haven't felt the motivation to write. And I've let this stop me.

I've tripped myself up, wallowed in the pervasive tiredness I'm feeling in the heat of Northern Australia and allowed myself to drift into 'what if's',  'if only's' and 'maybe's'.

I thought I was smarter than this you know. Thought I'd notice my trains of thought heading in an ineffective direction. But that's how resistance works right - it sneaks up on you when you're not looking.

Clearly resistance has outwitted me again these last weeks.

"Resistance by definition is self-sabotage" - Steven Pressfield.

Of course I could feel this malaise creeping up on me - could feel its downward pull - and was pushing against it, fighting it with my will until I was exhausted, then doing nothing and dealing with the guilt instead. My usual downhill spiral of stress and overwhelm.

Resistance is a tough enemy.

And then, this time, I chose to do one thing differently - I didn't panic.

I took deep breaths, let myself feel my fears fully, and stepped off the resistance train.

It felt better so I kept going.

I asked myself an empowering question - and ran it on repeat in my head for the day...

How can I support myself today?

I let that sit there, that thought, until a chance came for some time to myself. I took it and wanted to sleep the tiredness away, but chose some yoga instead, knowing that a few poses would be enough to give me more energy than a short nap.

In short: I took small, positive steps forward and traded my thoughts up, one at time.

And then - here's the clincher - I read some of Steven Pressfield's The War of Art....
 "Resistance is a force of nature. It acts objectively", and then I really GOT how it had beaten me this time.

I say down and picked up my pen....

Got resistance in your life? (Look for it - we all do babe).

My advice?

1. Admit to it. Even if only in your journal. But be honest about how it feels (strong, icky, tight, like a wall - give it a name).

2. Face your fears - for resistance points to where we need to go next - make yourself a list of reasons who you should feel resistance about this.

3. Take that first small step up
 - do some yoga
 - take a deep breathe
- give yourself a positive phrase or question
- pick up that pen!


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