Friday, January 10, 2014

A bush adventure

This week we packed up our wonderful camper trailer, loaded up our adventure-mobile and set off for a mini-holiday camping in the Mitta valley. 

It wasn't far from home, and we spent only three days away, but somehow it felt much more refreshing than that. 

We swam. We walked. We painted pictures. We made a map of the camp. We homeschooled (travelschooled really) around our tent, in the campground and on our little camping table. We visited Dartmouth Dam and went for a kayak. We cooked bread and curried sausages on a campfire.

In the middle of all this Bethany fell off a camping chair and broke her collar bone, poor little mite. But you know, she's quite fine with it. We tied on a sling, gave lots of cuddles when it hurt, and she continued to play like it never happened. Amazing.

*sigh* such a lovely family time....

And so simple too. I'd forgotten what's it's like to camp in the bush without amenities, without the prompts of the media or the call of advertising. Without wants, and so it seems without needs also. We were quite content. And looking even forward even more to our trip around Australia in April.

I definitely recommend taking the risk and submersing yourself in the nothingness of a bush experience. At the very least you'll have a greater appreciation for home when you get back. At best you'll find an easy stillness within your family, a pulling-together and closeness.

May you share a bush adventure with your lovelies soon.
X x

Food from the garden to take camping...

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