Monday, April 15, 2013

Time for reflection

End-of-holiday reflection that is. Our last few days in Tassie were a mixture of beach play, exploratory walks and a big road trip to pick up Nana and Pop. It seems to me that the end of a trip, particularly a longer one, is a time of great reflection. I look back and think about the things we've done together since leaving home - the good things and the average things. And then I find myself looking forward - to the next period of time and especially to the next big trip.
Today Rosie and I plotted our next family trip around Australia onto a map - planned for next year. We look forward to desert adventures, seeing crocodiles and visiting cousin Elsa's house. I look forward to a longer trip away (at least 3 months, hopefully 5-6 months) where we can grow together more as a family. For travelling with family is such a great way to build relationships and a positive family culture of learning and exploring.
As I look back over this trip I see with joy how Rosie has become very comfortable making new friends. Over the last few days I have watched her make friends quickly and easily in new places and situations. I've seen her overcome some long-standing discomforts for the first time and seeen her writing and reading really blossom.
This is the beauty of travelling with kids for me. This is slow travel working its magic. Here's to the next trip, and the ones to come after.

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