Friday, March 29, 2013

Why do I travel?

We're travelling again. Visiting places new and old in Tasmania while Ian does the Three Peaks race again.
After a mad day yesterday on the boat over (up early, still driving late, a car and camper trailer on the boat over Bass Strait) we had another exciting day dropping Ian off on his team's yacht for the race, driving through Tassie's beautiful scenery, then finally putting up said camper trailer near the most beautiful beach setting you could imagine.
During all these comings and goings I've questioned my motives for travelling. You see, I like home. Home is where I feel safe and able to have more control over my environment. It's where I've hidden in times of need and where I can knit and sew and garden and otherwise lead a creative life.
And yet, travelling is something I've done quite a bit of over the years and its something that I've always looked forward too. Only now, with children and post natal depression, it feels different. The thrill of new places has been replaced with a more subtle and perhaps genuine feeling. And its taking me a while to get used to.
So I ask myself - if its not thrilling, then is it worth going? Why not just stay at home and follow those creative pursuits and grow those veggies?
Today I struggled with an answer. I feel displaced instead of thrilled.
And so I aim, with these travel posts, to honestly reach for those beautiful moments each day, too see my travel experiences through fresh, more experienced eyes and to hopefully find an answer to my question.
Some beautiful moments today:
Ian happily aboard his yacht ready for the race
A beautiful beach scene
Bethany helping Pop put up their tent
Rosie loving her time around Nana
Still finding time for knitting
A hot chocolate in the dark as waves lap on the beach

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