Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Choose your own suffering

We all suffer right? As much as we try to avoid-resist-push it away, it comes back in that same form or another.

Buddhism knows this.

We all know this. Deep down inside.

And it makes sense - life is about cycles and balance. With up comes down, with light comes dark.

And so I've started thinking about it a little differently. A little outside of the box.

What if we choose our suffering instead of life giving us suffering to balance what we take? 

What if we take balance into our own, conscious hands?

If we structure our lives with kind but disciplined boundaries we take our focus from our wants. And in the process we give ourselves a humble, everyday appreciation of suffering which then opens us to receiving our desires - the balance is restored.

I'm talking here about kind suffering - the sort that pushes you out of your comfort zone, that grounds you, that connects you to your spirit, that you commit to over time.

This sort of suffering is really kindness in disguise.

Still not sure what I'm talking about? Here are some examples that work for me...

- giving up sugar
- regular exercise
- everyday spiritual practice
- writing everyday - rain, hail or shine
- morning yoga
- volunteering 

Wonder what sort of suffering is a match for you at the moment? Try these questions on for size...

What are you resisting in your life at the moment?

What do you want? What is the opposite of this?

What is the worst thing you could think of having to do everyday at the moment?

Best of luck - go blow those comfort zones out of the water.


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