Monday, May 5, 2014

Give yourself permission to explore

I've been on a bit of a mission lately - to write, to make connections, to move forward with my coaching.

It's been all-consuming at times and has been at its least preoccupying my thoughts many times a day.

But these last couple of days I've stopped.

Just stopped.

And with that shift I've starting exploring new avenues of interest. I've been delving with gusto in learning more about the science of positive psychology, what motivates us and a program called Happy Schools.

And as I've explored a bigger shift has happened deep inside me.

I've looked at my teaching with fresh eyes and discovered - to my delight and surprise - that I'm ready to go back into the classroom and learn more as I teach.
I'm ready to move on, move forward.

By exploring without pressure I can see a way forward that includes writing and teaching.

What can you explore today?

Which new avenues have you been curious about lately? 

Give yourself permission to check them out over a cuppa - they may lead you to the changes you're looking for.

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