Friday, March 8, 2013

The stitches that weave us together

Tis a curious thing, feeling overwhelmed. It happens a lot to me, in a variety of situations, and is worse since I had my baby girls. I suppose to myself, sometimes daily, that I have given part of my heart to them - and that leaves me so emotionally raw that sometimes I can't leave the house. I just want to hide from the world in my garden or my sewing. It is not, my friends, that I don't love you. But some days, like today, I feel over stretched, overwhelmed, over stitched.
It's a bit like the knitting I've been working on lately - a lovely little vest for Bethany in a colour called Plum Pie - wool and cashmere.... it really is soft and beautiful. But as I've knitted away I've been thinking about knitting as a metaphor for our friends and family - the way we really are all linked together, like part of some great tapestry that has been stitched together - the colours change, the threads might vary in thickness, but overall we're part of the same big picture. The way we are twisted and woven, intertwined with others in so many different ways. I love this, that there isn't really any separation between us all - in fact most of the time I feel this, intuitively, emotionally, and it helps me to empathise and see the detail and the big picture.
But since I've become a Mummy of two, sometimes I feel over stitched, too tightly woven, and choked by my own very sensitive emotions about the special people in my life.
Today is one of those overwhelming days - oh I might look fine on the outside...but I'm very good at hiding my feeling you see (unless they get very out of control)...
So...I take deep breaths, I look around me and try really, really hard to appreciate all the awesome things that I'm doing, I slow myself down to stop the panic and I appreciate the little things.
Happy days to you all, I wish you calm and delight in your life.

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