Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cleaning windows

"In the end...liberation must be an inner question, a search for quality of life which cannot be arranged, but only discovered and lived"

The time is ripe for talking about our marriage (did I just mix a metaphor there?)

Up until now I've been very good at keeping it behind closed doors. And behind thee scenes of my blog and social media.

And I guess to be fair to myself, this is the status of a lot of relationships - both marital and otherwise. I almost always find myself deeply surprised when a marriage ends. And I find, irrationally, that I tend to think everyone else's marriages are healthier than ours.

And now it feels, or at least I need, to be open. I need to talk about how things really feel for me. Why now I'm not entirely sure, but its like I'm cleaning out my inner house, one window, one room, at a time. And as more light pours in I see the hidden recesses more clearly. And then these too need to be seen, evaluated, cleared up.

That's how it feels right now. Just a need to be open. An introduction to another part of me, rather than a startling revelation on the inner workings of us.

But I think, also, that turning the light on and pulling back those curtains is both vulnerable and healthy. It begins the process of detoxification and understanding. It re-starts connection and clarity.

And although I feel sad that the commitment I made to my man years ago has waned, our connectedness threadbare and practical, it feels reasonable for things to be this way after the ravages of post-natal depression.

As I clean another room in my house and pull back the curtains my wish is for greater clarity, light and understanding. For all of us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your idea of house cleaning window by window. So scary and so true. xx