Friday, June 21, 2013


I've been on a mission lately to produce my own sourdough loaves at home. Apart from the benefits of knowing where our bread is coming from, there's something so authentic and REAL about growing our own culture of yeasts and then turning them into something to nourish us.
My first starter or leaven went along, growing merrily, until we visited Noni and Pa for three days and I accidentally left her behind (her name was Jill) - oops. By the time we returned my young colony of yeasts had been over taken by some bacteria and despite multiple attempts to resurrect a viable starter culture, I eventually gave up and accepted a friend's offer of some of his, more robust, starter.
And so it was with this new batch that I created my first two loaves.

It was a lovely experience that took time while nature worked its magic. From the beginning steps at breakfast time to the final loaf emerging from the oven after dinner, this was not a fast process. But efficiency isn't what this Mama is about anymore. Yes, there was a time when I was very good at being efficient, but somewhere in there I lost authenticity. I loved the time spent growing and shaping these loaves. Like children, they could not be rushed into the next stage of their development and I watched with wonder as they grew in size, texture and shape.

 Now I have more starter in the fridge, slowly bubbling away and waiting for its chance to grow into more loaves. 

What will they be like, I wonder?

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