Work with Me

I can create organic, edible gardens with the flick of a spade, dig deeper in search of authentic truths with you and turn your play into passions that sustain your life. If you're a Mama who's willing to take risks, who wants to transform themselves, who is willing to embrace vulnerability and get into the wild, then I'm the coach for you. xx

My message:
Focus on what your soul is telling you, take action in those directions and have the courage to love your life.

You are not your past, your future is open for options. Sometimes this doesn't feel true, sometimes life is hard, I know - it can feel low, flat, motionless, stuck - for long periods of time. You can get to the point where nothing really matters. As one friend put it "I had two beautiful girls and couldn't have cared if I was alive or dead".


I know you feel this too - that there must be something better - something with meaning and purpose and love. And there is. With focus and intention we can tap into your innate creativity. With meditation and stillness we can work on your action and expression. With these; movement, connection and creativity will return to your life.

Watch this awesome video to see the love I have for you dear Mamas:

Why do I offer this? My story is simple:  Teaching career, heading up the ladder, birth of first daughter, 5 years of post-natal depression, lots of denial, became a certified Passion Test Facilitator, birth of second daughter, return of PND with a vengeance (lots of yelling, exhausted sleeplessness, low lows), 18 months of anti-depressants, lots of soul-searching, discovery of meditation and a spiritual mentor, discovery of a soul purpose - to help other mamas in need - to connect and create together.

There's a long story of course - click here if you're interested in more detail.

You also might want to be knowing a bit more about this Passion Test thing - check out this video...

What I offer:
  • An unbiased listening ear - a close Mama friend who's been there before
  • Help with understanding post-natal depression if you need it - its metaphysical roots, deeper levels of meaning beyond the standard medical view
  • Strategies for getting clear on your passions and direction - I'm a certified Passion Test Facilitator
  • Strategies to kick-start your creative expression - an antidote to depression
  • A beautiful soul reaching out to yours.
What I'm not:
  • A healer
  • A medical practitioner
  • I won't offer a diagnosis and my coaching is not limited to those with one. I'm here to help any Mama needing assistance
  • A career or business coach
  • A blog or writing coach
  • I won't tell you whether or not to take medication - all decisions about your life will be yours (just so we're clear!).
The deals:

Free sample session - 1 hour via Skype. for the Mama who wants to check this coaching thing out. Who's not sure if this is for you. We'll do the passion test together, talk about how I can support you and get clear on what you need to move forward.

Move Mama Move package - $300 for 2 x 1 hour sessions via Skype. For the Mama who is feeling isolated, tired, struggling with little ones and just needs some help to pull her out of the rut and into some creative, heart-centred work. A happy Mama means a happy family.

The Mountain Mama package - $800 for 6 x 1 hour sessions via Skype. For the Mama who is really stuck. For whom life is becoming desperate. I hear you Mama You need some help in a deep way. Life might need an overhaul, but first you need to feel real again.

If this sings to you, if it pulls at your heart, then make the leap and contact me at:

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