Friday, April 18, 2014

MBM review: A Month of Thankyou's


Ever wondered how gratitude works in your life? How it helps you to manifest those awesome dreams? How it fits in with your passions?

Well. Here's the deal.

Gratitude is the glue that holds all those affirmations, manifestations, dreams, desires, passions and purpose together. It's the part where you say thank-you for what you have and thank-you for what you don't yet have. It's the part where you assume that your going to get what you want, and more, and you give thanks for it.

To say that it's an important part of a healthy, happy, purposeful Mama's life is really an understatement.

Having said all that I'm sometimes not that good at being grateful, especially in the heat of things with my girls. And so I have a few little rituals that help my family and I to focus on what's good.

My favourite little gratitude treat at the moment is a pack of 30 of Lori Portka's beautiful 'A month of thankyous' gratitude cards. I've given most of these away now with little love notes on the back - to friends, family and others I'm grateful for and they have been a great little pick-me-up when I've been feeling out of sorts and struggling to feel like my life if a blessing. As a mama you would know that this can strike quite suddenly or take up an entire day when things don't go to plan....and a little pocket of gratitude in there can go a long way.

Other family rituals for gratitude include a silent minute together with my girls in the mornings when we first get up, a 'blessing' of our food at dinner time and our 'favourite thing of the day' that we all say during dinner each night. These don't always happen - sometimes we forget and sometimes we're distracted, but my intention is to be grateful as a family and as a mama, and it's with this persistence and intention that my grateful life takes form.

In the spirit of gratitude today I'd like to offer you some special post-Easter Passion Test coaching.

Check out my coaching page for more information about the Passion Test and my longer-term Mama on Purpose coaching programs, however for next week I'm offering

Passion Test coaching sessions for 5 Mamas via phone from Margaret River, WA. - one each afternoon/evening AEST - for $99 for a one hour session and follow up email support in the coming weeks. 

Those dates, just to be clear, are Monday 21/4 through until Friday 25/4 2014.

As you know we're slow travelling around Australia at the moment so coaching opportunities are limited, but I want to help you discover your passions mamas, to help you be clear on what they really are, and to guide you to your purpose, so I'm making time happen while we're travelling.

Contact me at to secure your place,

Carolyn xx

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