Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Feel like a 5 step Passion Diagram?

I was reading a magazine a few months ago and read how a man had used a Venn diagram to help clarify his passions and to find new ways to combine and reconfigure them. 

Wow, I thought.

It was an inspiration to me, perhaps because I used to be a maths teacher and find mathematics beautiful and perhaps because it was so simple and clear and didn't involve pages of journalling.

Either way, when I committed myself to the process it was an inspiring hour that turned up in my life unexpectedly and led me to commit to some dreams (hiking in NZ with some like-minded Mamas, creative garden design).

Here's a photo of my original diagram from that day:

Essentially, this is a three-set Venn diagram that looks at the intersection of your skills, beliefs and interests. From these my passions naturally arose, particularly where the circles intersect with one another.

Id love to share this heart-expanding process with you Mama Mias, so....

Here are some loving little instructions so you can make your own passion diagram:

1. On a large, lovely piece of paper draw three intersecting circles (see my photo above if you're not sure how to lay them out). Be sure to overlap the circles well so there's room to write ideas in the intersections.

2. Label each circle; 'Interests', 'Skills' and 'Beliefs'.

3. Brainstorm ideas for each category. Take some quiet time it do this, or even better, take several days and add to it over time. Just a hint here Mamas - I found the beliefs circle required the most thought, but was also the catalyst for some unusual and original ideas to arise.

4. Now take some time to look at the intersections of each two circles and then the central intersection. What do you get when you put these things together? What new combinations come up? How can you look differently at your life and think outside the circle?

5. And now, action-time! Take whatever actions you can, with whatever you have to start making the most exciting ideas come true.

Passionate and purposeful wishes to you,

Carolyn xx

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