Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our late Winter garden

Our garden is still mostly in its Winter hibernation. There are just a couple of signs that Spring will soon be upon us. And with these signs comes a little panic from this Mama - all those Winter jobs I was going to do in the garden - so many done but so many not yet started. I'd better get a-working...

The rocket is doing well (it always is it seems...)

Bethany helping to pick some lemons for cordial

She was determined to carry the heavy basket by herself

Trays of seedlings ready to plant out - I think I'm a little late with the broccoli but I'll see what happens

The wood shed - with front recently removed to increase air flow and because we like to look at our stacked wood.

The first miniature daffodils just peeking out of their hoods

Spring is coming but its still cold in the garden (notice my cowl - just finished in time for my birthday a couple of weeks ago).

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