Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mama's Day

I know some of you are having special meals made, going to high teas and going on family outings and I wish you a beautiful time with your loved ones.
For me? I think the beauty of Mother's Day is the impetus to pause and reflect on myself as a Mum - to really seek out the positives about my mothering and my relationship with my girls and husband. For as Mothers I think we're all doing our best, whatever that is at the time, but find ourselves wishing we could be better sometimes, perhaps being too critical of ourselves.
So today, for me, is a day to put that critical voice aside and really celebrate what I am doing - loving our children, building our home and life together and learning and growing.
To all those Mamas in the world that we hold dear to our hearts, we wish you a lovely day.

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