Monday, April 28, 2014

Transformational Learning

"The more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it" - Paolo Freire

As a teacher there was a paradigm that always piqued my interest and triggered my passions - it is transformative learning. For me this means that moment/class/activity when a learner has an 'aha moment' - where something has shifted inside and a new perspective is reached. This was what drove me as an educator and what drives me now as a coach and parent.

This is what we're all looking for...

Educational research around transformative learning has been building for some time, but I also see parallels with wellness and personal transformation which make it relevant to every one of us who is seeking to transform their lives into their ideal lives and in turn transform the world.

I'm calling it Transformational Learning...

And it goes hand in hand with transformational living and leadership.

To give you an idea of the relevant educational research, a transformative education including listening, dialogue, action and reflection (rather than a 'stand-and-deliver' style of education). Learners are fully engaged in what they're learning - they're turned on, fired up, in the moment and creatively involved.

"Transformative (learning) prepares people for change" (from here)

As a coach, parent and educator I find myself often thinking don't we all want this?

Don't we all want to be engaged in our lives?
To be transformed into our ideal selves?
To be creative, reflective and living in the moment?

Is there, perhaps, a new shift we can make to learn and live transformationally?

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