Monday, July 22, 2013

Playful learning spaces

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. - Leo F. Buscaglia

Oh, I do so love play. I love that playful feeling you get when you're learning and having fun at the same time. I see it so often, too, in our girls. They play with things, they learn more about them, and in the process they learn just a bit more about themselves.
So, since this Mama is also an educator at heart, we have a houseful of little nooks and crannies designed to encourage just this kind of playful learning, out-of-the-box thoughts and lateral thinking.
These aren't detailed, specific 'learning stations' like you might have in a classroom - more like open-ended play corners that the girls can pick and choose from, mix up together, drag apart - whatever takes their fancy whenever we're at home. Of course, these spaces also move from time to time and change shape or focus to suit our needs and keep up daily inspiration. But there's always a reading corner (such as important part of our family's life), a cleared table for creating on (our 'blank slate'), soft floor cushions and couches for reflective moments (or beds, or cubby house walls....), dolls and bears for imaginary play, a dress-up box and lately an Australian geography corner in preparation for our all-Australia travels next year.
I've written about the importance of play before because its just such a cornerstone of our approach to parenting and life. This mama very strongly believes that a playful family is a healthy family.

Good day to you all!

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