Thursday, June 13, 2013

Loving my bathroom

Our bathroom was the recipient of lots of love this week. Bethany and I cleaned with my homemade vinegar and eucalyptus spray, lots of scrubbing and a final wipe with some re-usable cloths. As I worked I focused on the things I love about the bathroom, and I really enjoyed all that scrubbing and wiping and spraying. You see, our bathroom needs some attention. The sink is old and paint is peeling, the bath and shower have sealant around them to keep the water from leaking through, however mould-that-cannot-be-removed is growing underneath, leaving a permanent dark stain around each. I would like to have shiny, natural and colourful materials in there, with a shower and bath that are able to be 100% clean when I put in the effort. That's not in our budget however, and likely won't be for a while.

And so I thought loving thoughts as I scrubbed away with Bethany. I thought about the joy the bath brings each girl every night and I was pleased that we even have a bathroom to call our own. I love the mirror my Mother gave us with its bright, Indian designs. And I love that the shower continues without fail (except when there's no hot water!) to keep us clean and prepared to face the world each.

And now this Mama is a happy one. Its like the bathroom has a new coat and its not the same, old bathroom as before. It feels different. Quite simply, my love for it has grown. And I wonder, as this Mama does, whether this is true for many things in life. Perhaps the more love I put into anything, the more love it will give me back... Hmmm, something for this Mama to ponder on further.

But please excuse me for waffling on, I am having a lovely week and hope you are too.

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