Thursday, November 29, 2012

Comfy craft pockets

I worked on these a few weeks ago and had it mostly completed except for one pocket on which I wanted to stitch some of Rosie's artwork. That is now finally done and the pockets are complete.
So, back to the beginning... I've been hooked on Amanda Blake Soule's book 'Handmade Home' which I've had for a few weeks now. In her book she has a very similar design for hanging pockets which her children use to store anything they like. I thought it would be perfect to hang near our craft table which tends to gather all sorts of items from old artwork to books and toys and other paraphernalia. I took Amanda's idea of re-purposing fabrics and used an old woollen baby blanket for the backing - this gives it a weighty and solid feeling which I like. The pockets are simply pieces of colourful fabric I already had. It was simple and easy. The final pocket is made of calico with one of Rosie's drawing stitched on by me (this is my favourite pocket :-).
I took the girls for a walk a few weeks go to find a gum branch that had fallen from the tree and was straight enough to suspend the hanging pockets from. This was special because we used something from nature, and going to find it was a treat for Rosie (and me).
It has pride of place in our house.

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