Thursday, July 24, 2014

Homegrown Rhubarb Crumble

A Winter delight that brings warmth and colour to my home and nurtures my family.

Thanks to my popular IG photo of rhubarb in the garden, here's a recipe with old-fashioned flair and lots of love:

You'll need about 1kg of rhubarb from your garden. Trim the leaves and keep the rich red stems.

1 kg rhubarb stems cut straight from the garden
2 apples, peeled and sliced with love
1/4 cup of water
A good handful of soft brown sugar

Wash and slice rhubarb, marvel at this luscious growth that's taken place just outside your door. Place in a saucepan with the water and apple slices, then let the soft, browny sugar crystals gently slip from your hands on to the top.

Place the lid on and gently simmer until soft, pungent and a soft pinky-red colour (like a beautiful sunset).

1 cup self-raising flour
150g cold butter (the real, full-fat stuff)
1/2 cup more soft brown sugar (oh, you luscious delight!)
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Place all ingredients into your favourite special bowl and massage that butter baby! Right into the silky dryness of that flour until it's just right and crumbly.

Now don't skimp here! The beauty of slowly bringing this dish into being is such a blessing.
Be mindful. Cook with intention and love. Nurture the sh*t out of it so it brings light and joy to your home tonight.

Sprinkle generously over your rhubarb base and bake for about 25 mins in an oven set to 180*C

Viola! An amazing, old-fashioned, seasonal delight created with love and intention. 

It's something that keeps life simpler, more on purpose and in our house this evening it's hitting the mark perfectly. Xx

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