Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Loving the Storyteller

It's fickle, this balance called life. Always changing, always moving. Like a juggling act of yin and yang. A flowing cycle of ups a and downs.

It can feel hard to surrender ourselves to this flow. We feel ourselves attaching to many feelings/states/actions each day, perhaps asking ourselves constantly am I this? Or am I this? Or am I this?

I know my ego gives me a running commentary each day. It feels like a nameless, deeper part of me that is narrating my life - telling the story and trying to decide what to include and what to leave out. I find it disconcerting, confusing often, if I tune in too much.

And yet it's in this storytelling that there's power.

When I feed my inner narrator nothing but love - when I soothingly encourage its voice - everything softens and relaxes.
I feel peaceful and my storyteller gives me a tale that shines with a golden light - like a soft, Autumn day. My 'story' becomes more fairytale-like, more like a light-hearted dream.

My storyteller and I meet in the present.

And that, my friends, is a beautiful gift.

What does your inner narrator sound like?

How can you give yourself and your storyteller some love?

Can you find beauty in your narrator's actions?

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