Monday, April 14, 2014

MBM review: Seven Principles to Living a Passionate Life

For the next few weeks, as our family journeys around Australia, we'll be reviewing some inspiration for following your passions and finding your purpose here at Mount Beauty Mama. First up are these 7 principles by Chris and Janet Attwood, authors of The Passion Test book and programs.

Honest disclaimer: This isn't a random list that I've pulled off the internet. I've trained with Chris and Janet as a Passion Test facilitator in London. Interest in this list, and in following your passions and finding your purpose directly benefits when when you sign up for my coaching. I've shared these principles from the resources I have access to as a facilitator.
Just wanted to be fully transparent with you Mama. Oh, and I recommend these because Chris and Janet are authentic people - I trust their wisdom.

Here are the 7 principles (words in italics are my own - to get ya thinkin'):

1. Commitment - choose in favour of your passions every day, and soon you'll discover you are living a passionate life.

Choose passionate thoughts, passionate actions, a passionate reality.

2. Clarity - when you are clear what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent the that you are clear.

Be crystal clear. Look within. Dream big.

3. Attention - what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.

What are you focussing on? Look to the positive. Be grateful.

4. Stay open - stay open to your dreams showing up differently than you plan, there is nothing that can stop you.

Embrace vulnerability. Shift your perspective. Release old identities.

5. Integrity - be as true to yourself as you are to others, and as true to others as you are to yourself.

Kind thoughts. Kind words. Kind actions.

6. Persistence - Fulfillment belongs to those who stay the course.

Stick with it. Lean in. Act like you got it Mama.

7. Follow Your Heart - when in doubt, follow your heart. Passion arises from the heart. The mind will only complicate matters.

Pour your heart out. Listen to your soul. Follow your calling.

Important ideas these. I mean, if we're not here to follow our passions, to find and live out our purpose in life then what are we here for? I say, Mama, that a life without passion and purpose is not a life - it's survival.

And we're way more important and special than that.


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