Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Organising us

Lately (I seem to say this a lot!) I've been on a bit of an organising frenzy. Well...not quite a frenzy, its more like something growing bigger, more developed and more well...organised. I haven't really been into organisation, except within a workplace, for quite a few years now. And although its good to let things go a bit, be flexible and see how things pan out, particularly with little ones in tow, its also good to balance that with an overall plan that helps us to go in the direction we dream about. There is definitely a place for reflection, dreaming and planning, this Mama thinks.

My kitchen organisation corner - the hub of our family organising

Rosie's violin chart - to help keep track of how much she's practicing with just a little enticement at the end.

Lists of the 'good things' about being at school and at home - because we all need a reminder that the glass is half-full.

Our letter and number wall - this has helped Rosie for a couple of years now

Rosie's pinboard - a place to learn about the calendar and celebrate important achievements. 

Our number chart - written by Rosie to help with numeracy

My garden board - for both inspiration and planning
My approach to organising is part-practical, part-inspirational. There's really no point planning, I think, if there's not the inspiration to direct those plans. Pictures and quotes usually send me off on an inspirational tangent - thus our quote board in the kitchen and pinboards with colourful pictures attached. I use my ipad and computer daily however I prefer my inspiration to come from more visceral sources also - I like writing my current favourite quote in chalk - old fashioned but solid and real, with chalk dust left on my fingers as evidence. And the act of pinning something on a board somehow makes it more tangible (to me at least) and therefore more likely to come to fruition (although I do like pinterest when I have time for the large number of images I can search).

Happy dreaming to you all, from my 100th post (yay!)

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