Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Could superquestions improve your spiritual nutrition?

I'm back in Melbourne after 11 weeks of travelling around Australia and it feels warm and comforting to be back in the fold of family at this time, despite the cold and miserable weather outside.

It's been challenging at times, this travel and transition, and I thought you'd like to know how I've kept myself grounded and focused.

I've been through quite a fast transition as I've returned to the South - and oh my resistance feels stronger when change is happening fast!

I've felt lethargic, vague, unclear. I know you know that feeling too.

And yet sneaking past resistance is the most grounding thing I can do amongst this change. It keeps me stepping forward and anchored in my spiritual reality rather than tied to my changing physical reality.

So how have I done this, I hear you asking?

Well primarily I've fallen back on some special Superquestions to kick my spiritual nutrition up a notch in these changing times. Much like Superfoods, these are the ones that have great nutrient-density, that add to my health and raise my vibrations - especially when change and overwhelm are afoot.

The how?

It's based on the premise that when we ask a question, our brains love to find answers to it - so why not asksuper-questions?

My favourites?

How can I be kind to myself today?

How soon can I experience greater abundance?

How soon can I write something wildly awesome (create an amazing poem/artwork/sculpture)?

How can I step up today?

Which habits can I add today to improve my vitality?

You get the drift I'm sure - any question that empowers, that raises those vibes, that expands from the heart is a gem for sneaking past that resistance and stepping up.

Get into lovelies and feel that shift.


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